dinsdag 14 mei 2013


Dear followers,

Yeah, I turned 24.. mostly the reason why I haven't been here, right? No, not exactly. I've just been lazy and not keeping up with my blog has just been one of those things that happens to me when I get distracted. 

So how have I been doing? Good, very good. I got engaged! Thanks. Yes, with Aron, who turns 27 on the 19th. We got a date set, it's going to be October 31st 2014.

Quick question and answer round.

  • Are you going to review?

    Yes, I am going to review more, since I currently have some spare time..
  • How is From Moonlight To Stardust coming along?

    I would say it's nearly finished, but then I would be lying. In the great lines, we are near the ending but then I still have to edit everything out and you know, the boring work.
  • What did you get for your birthday?

    I got many spectacular things, among a few gift cards (Love it), some things around the house, sexual tinted gifts from Wendy and Anke and Aron gave me a very expensive bracelet with two charms on it. Still too bad it's too big, but we are going to exchange it soon.


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