vrijdag 31 augustus 2012

The Paranormal Diary

Dear readers,

I have started a short story that is called The Paranormal Diary (Working title) - the plot is short and simple and this will be my internet only story.

 Elizabeth is twentythree and four months pregnant. Her husband, John, is in the army. Since three months she has been noticing strange things. The windows open and close automaticly, the curtains open at random and she has been having these horrible nightmares. Elizabeth decides to starts a diary. To write down everything that has been going on. She contacts a medium who helps her find out what is happening and why. But then something mysterious happends and Elizabeth has to fight for her life and for the life of her unborn child. Can she protect her child and herself from whatever is trying to kill her?
Yes, this story is based on Paranormal Activity and on Marble Hornets. Therefor it will be an internet only story. Probably as a free ebook or on a blog. But I already decided to keep you all posted on this, seeing as I am truly enjoying it.



woensdag 29 augustus 2012

Why is that again?

Right - So I am being scolded for standing on a street corner. Why is that again? Right, because it was the street corner my not so fun neighbors live. That would mean the person who is constantly threatening me, trying to kill me with his car - etc. But my father, of all people, scolded me for standing there. While I did nothing - I did not even say anything. It was him calling forth my dogs, who stood stiff with anticipation. 

Anyhow - I have decided to be a stronger person. I seriously cannot believe people like them even exist. I have decided to also follow up on my fathers words and not to stand there again. Even though I honestly did nothing wrong! I swear. 

More updates - with a load of YouTube video's after the break!

dinsdag 28 augustus 2012

Total Crushville Resident!

Dear readers and hopeless romantics,

I have entered Cruhsville. Well Fantasy Crushville that is. I have been watching the Vampire Diaries alot lateley. So, what people can imagine, I have a fantasy crush on Damon Salvatore.

I mean, let's be honest and look at this man.
He is not only good looking, smoking hot sexy - and not to mention his personality. He has a strong personality and that attrackts me alot.

Though I know this is a waste of good feelings - I am happy to have a new victim for my fantasy wide emotions.

So there for I needed to post this.



woensdag 22 augustus 2012

No No No! I Can't Believe It

I think I might be upset for all the wrong reasons. Good thing I only have to work for another 20 minutes or else I might have gone home.

I know this is none of my business, but still. How could you! I am so mad, it's like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. But I am so naive, thinking I can have it all.

So, now what do we do? Sit  and cry? Or make a new plan - a better plan.

How about we do the last thing, so that I can be happy again. So that I can say to those who have hurt me; "Look at this, see what I did and where it got me".

But one thing is for sure! I need a vaccation - very soon.

I am so willingly upsetting myself. I cannot believe I thought I had a chance of love with you. I can't even keep silent about it.  The only good part is that it was expected, though unwillingly, it was something I held in the back of my mind. Way way back - where it could not hurt me.



dinsdag 21 augustus 2012

Vampires? Yes, vampires!

Dear readers,

I am having a great summary for a new story, ready? It's about vampires! No seriously, those bloodsucking creatures I am so fond of. And no. It's not a vampires who can sparkle and a human girl who turns into one after giving birth to some hybrid Twilight Saga story. It's going to be real, bloody and fun!

I am also thinking about making this a Blogger only story, but let me work on the first part first, okay!



maandag 20 augustus 2012

Sadness on demand

Is it true that I can only find happiness with the images of those who do not excist?

I guess so, because I truly believe that there is one person for me to love, and that person is not real. Or I havn't found him yet. Yes, I wrote about him and me and then stopped because the pain I felt was to much for me to handle.

I've created memories around him and when I am in the right mood, I pull one out and start reliving those things.

Our meeting, the first kiss we shared underneath the pale moonlight sky, when the stars shone bright and the waves of the ocean could be heard. The smell of his hair, the color of his eyes when he was thinking about something impotant. They were the color of fading leaves in early autumn. A dark green with strokes of golden brown.

Or I think about how it would be if he was here. How we could be happy, together.
But we are not. He is somewhere (or not.) And I am here. I long to touch him, to stroke his hair. To kiss him for the first time again.

I'm so worried I might lose my mind dreaming of him. Because what do I have to live for. Maybe if I die, we will be together. Maybe not, because he is not real!

And that is what I have to remember.



Before I Need My Medicine

Dear readers,

I have been ill for a while. Since a week my throat has been sore. It's having some kind of infection in it. Laryngitis I believe they call it. It also makes me cough and spit slimes. But enough dirty talk.

I am bored to sleep - and even though I am sick, I am at work - which is a good thing. I cannot afford to be 'sick' especially when my co-workers are on holiday or sick themselfs.

Work until vaccation and then? Then I hope I can stay - I don't think I can stay and if not - I will go and search for another job. Would be a pitty because I :heart:  it here. The people are nice and the work is do-able. It's not too difficult and still holds some what of a challenge.

Well, time for me to do something else.



p.s.; I am reading the Vampire Diaries - watching the show

donderdag 9 augustus 2012

Report on the dead

Dear readers,

So - I am all alone in the house I grew up in. Totally weird. And also very comforting. It is having back an old friend that has been lost a long long time.

When I go in the attic, and stand at the spot I had my frist kiss with Chritiaan, I cry. When I stand at the spot my bed was, I laugh. When I stand on the spot where I knew I was pregnant, I want to do every bad thing to myself. So on that spot, I do not stand anymore.

It is weird, having this big empty space without any personal stuff inside it.

All of my stuff is in my 'home' where I do not feel at home at all. I feel confind to this jailsized house that I call a apartment, that I call 'home'. So therefor I am happy to be somewhere else, to be alone at a house I once did call my home. To the places I cried, laughed and died a little.

For me, it's like being on a vacation. In the days of the past - to the happy place.

